Wood chippers - Wood chipper TV27-40
The most versatile chipper. For chipping twigs, branches and stems of any type of wood with a maximum diameter of 270 mm (12”).
Tractor driven or driven by a powerful diesel engine. A wide range of possibilities such as standard hand feed machine, diesel engine driven, specially adapted units for forestry applications with funnel for crane feeding, with rubber infeed belt system for recycling applications, etc... The safety bar completely surrounds the infeed funnel, providing maximum security. The top hood and the ejector chute have a noise-reducing coating. Chip size regulation from 1 to 25 mm.
PICTURES(Click on the picture to obtain more information)
The most versatile model in the Vandaele chipper range
Comes in a wide variety of models
Chipping up to 27 cm
Comes in a tractor driven version and a diesel engine driven version
Diesel engine = Hatz 75 HP (4 cylinder)
Minimum required tractor power : 100 hp