Mowers - Forestmaster forestery mower
The Vandaele Forestmaster is a forestry mower with cage rotor. It is used for mowing or pulverising bushes and young trees. Ideal for working between young plantation, preparing and maintaining towing paths and fire-corridors, mowing and pulverising before replanting or for cultivating fallow areas.
The Forestmaster can be used in both directions, forwards or backwards. It comes in 3 widths and in several models.
IMAGENS(Clique na imagem para obter mais informações)
Forestry mower with heavy duty cage rotor and heavy hammers
The hammers completely turn around their axle when hitting obstacles
The ideal machine for cultivating and maintaining forest and fallow areas
For pulverising wood, bushes and plants up to Ø 10 cm
Can be mounted in the rear or the front 3-point linkage
Comes in 3 mowing widths : 1,10 m – 1,50 m – 1,80 m